With my birthday drawing closer the family has asked for my wish list, which I gladly supplied (I mean think about it, a chance to get free stuff all wrapped up!). But now that I think about it I could easily go on without those things if I could have just one thing....Those that love me to be close (But seeing as I enjoy my space I'd have to add not too close!). These people are seen as "normal" to the world, but the things that they have taught me and the examples that they have set for me have had an astronomical on my character! Of coarse there has been times when I've been forgotten at a store, chastised for being lazy, and had rotten apples thrown at me. But they still seem like perfect people to me.
- Mom, she's been there from the beginning! (In more ways than one). She's one of my biggest cheerleaders. I don't know if it comes with being a mom or if it a special talent that she has but she has always been very intuitive about my needs, especially spiritually. According to my mom my purpose was clear from the beginning. She saw that I needed literature. I can't remember a time when my mom hasn't read to me. We been through a lot together and yet she's still there to cheer me on. She is the best example of faith that I have in my life and I'm so thankful that she's mine.
- Dad, Wow. I could leave it there but I wont. The only guy in life for the most part. He is the most open minded person, the smartest guy I could have asked for. He loves to see his girls learn and expand their talents. He does a lot to help us in our efforts and is very honest. I love him and find it impossible to think of life without him.
- Sisters. What else hurts you, loves you, gives you advise, and still manages to steal your clothing, while you love them? Without my sisters I'd have more chap-stick and less necklaces. They are my little fan club. They are the group of girls that watches chick flicks with me. They give me their most honest and sometimes (What am I saying? Most of the time!) brutal opinions about my writing. (Thanks to them I don't think that a publishers mean words will hurt.) I love all of my sisters and I'm so grateful for them, their different personalities, and for all of the times that they've made me laugh until it hurt.
- Sandra. She was the lady that saved me from rebelling when I was nine (okay so the rebellion probably wouldn't have been huge, but she definitely guided me to higher roads). She taught me how to knit and helped me understand Shakespeare. There were innumerable times when we'd discuss the importance of a having a Darcy, or my personal favorite "What makes Darcy so amazing?!" She's the only lady I know that shared my opinions about Jane Austen and The Importance of Being Earnest. She guided my thoughts from Dreamland to Hopeful Reality. (We still had our moments where we would day dream together). She is in the ranks of best friend still! It's funny to watch the two of us walk through a store, two best friends, one a young teenage girl and a adult laughing like little girls and sharing the same understanding on most topics.
- My Teacher. I know he's probably counting down the days for my graduation but to me he's an invaluable friend and mentor. I have absolutely no idea what he thought of me when he interviewed me two years ago but I don't think he understood exactly what he signed up for when he allowed me into his school. The first three months I wasn't very friendly, trusting, and to put it in true Sheba fashion I was cloudy. I wasn't my normal self. I felt so bad, I wanted him to understand me and that how I was currently acting wasn't how I am normally. But some how he got it. He's pushed me and made sure that I never felt board. He has seen me at gunpoint millions of times and yes I've cried in front of him before. Thankfully he also disagrees with Twilight and enjoys Deep thoughts by Jack Handley. I don't think I can every be able to fully say how grateful I am for his putting up with me. I know he has a lot of faith in my abilities (Probably just brain washing me so that when I'm rich I can pay for his counseling that I drove him to) which I find to be a great strength when things get hard. Thanks!
- My cousins. Basically I've been raised with these guys. Their my best friends and love them more then words can say.
- Friends. I wont name names but I have amazing friends. I've had epic journeys with almost all of them. The support and encourage me. But most of all they make me laugh. I hope they know that I love them millions of red M&M's and that animal crackers are the best!
These are just a few of the people that I love and hold dear but I'll never forget them or what they have done for me. Hopefully one day I can repay them some how.
:) Love it Steph. Honestly, one of my favorites. don't know why, just is. hehe.