Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Melodramaic Birthday

With most of the preparations underway for Groundhogs day I've now begun the task of planning for sweet sixteen. This birthday holds many exciting things such as a drivers license, dances, and road trips. And now I can legally whistle at the guys! The excitement is almost overwhelming when a guy you like threatens to take you out, but now I must return to my sense and say this: Don't shave your legs before you go on a date. With a few sweet lines a girl can easily be lost, but if she is armed with hairy legs that make cricket sounds when she rubs them together then it is easier to keep her head out of the clouds and pay attention to his nervous laugh that makes you want to cringe. Hairy legs is her last connection with reality. But what would I know?

Seeing as I'm not quite on the market yet I've been a safe friend for guys to have, but with the approaching days the conversations have mutated from "Hey!" to "Hey hows my girl?" Or my personal favorite, when I ask that they get me their grades (I'm class secretary) then they have ten minutes in the HHF (aka my Hero Hall of Fame). Previously I would have received their grade and perhaps a little thanks for my hard work; but now I'm receiving little notes along with the grades that say 'I'm excited to be your hero' or 'you're cute when your mad, I don't think I'll give you my grade so I can see you mad'. These little notes aren't quite the self-esteem boost that one might think....

In the school that I attend we love to debate. In most debates I can stay calm under the frustration, at times I even laugh in the climax of the heat. I seem to bloom with life when I'm put under pressure that is until the flirt drops a line.

I might be having a good talk with a close friend and then they say something remotely flirtatious and I freak! I've done everything from leaving the conversation immediately to leaving the house screaming. But enough of this uncomfortable subject.

Now for the moment of truth, the real reason why I'm excited for the big day. Drum roll please. Drivers license! The moment the bird can really fly from the nest. I realize that I might be half slave to errands after this marvelously freeing and empowering paper/privilege card of all privileges has been issued to my itching hands.

But now for the scene that I have in my mind: With freshly shaved legs and a beautiful black dress, I will paint my nails cherry red while listening to the Hallelujah chorus (the purpose of doing this is to remind me what a monumental day this is). After applying a little makeup, I will adorn the high hills that demand respect. With my hair done in a dressy yet normal way. The outfit for the day will be complete

With parents in tow we will depart to visit "friends" (I know calling the people at the DMV friends isn't accurate but I have to make this seem romantic!). Flashing my normal scintillating smile and then leave the office with power freshly laminated. I will hold it in a sassy manner between my cherry red nails. As I drive around looking gorgeous many will honk in order to be bestowed with my dark blue eyes for a moments pleasure. Men will stop walking on the sidewalk as I pass so they might have a second longer to look at me. With a slightly smug smile I will flutter from one end to the next of town.

I will then return home, and walk in to see my room decorated by some secret admirer. With the newly acquired treasures from my extensive travels-the grocery store-I will then pop in the movies of all movies! Pride and Prejudice! The six hour version. As I sit in the basement making notes for my future husband I will then be called to run an errand. While I'm gone something fun will happen to make my day (okay so what if I don't have this part planned?).

With the day to reflect on I will end the night with a roll of sushi and a little day dreaming about the perfect boyfriend (Which I will probably end up calling co-conspire-er about. I swear if Ronda doesn't know the perfect guy for every mood then her name will cease to be Ronda). With a wistful journal entree I will then retire my over excited mind to the sweet soft pillows and dream of my future husband.

Yeah it sounds perfect, too perfect. So I plan to paint my nails, make at least one non-moving traffic violation, watch Pride and Prejudice and then as I watch the sunset I will say thank you for the little miracles; such as not having my room decorated by a secret admirer or not having to go to school. Either or both will be good.


  1. Mahahahaha! This is my favorite post ever. I love the bit about the hairy legs. Thanks for making all of us party to your teenage fantasies. They are awesome.

  2. Ronda definitely knows the moods...:) This one is pretty much my favorite by far right now :) It's awesome! Me and Shanny read it together and we couldn't stop laughing!
