Woe #1: Senior year burn out
No one cared to warn me just how tiresome you feel by the time you are a senior! For starters any pride you might have had starting high school has been strategically beaten away (If I didn't know any better I would have thought that some scenarios were meant for boot camp.) so by the time you do make to senior year you find yourself looking at your pajamas thinking, "Wow, I need to spruce up my wardrobe! I've gotta be lookin' good for picture day!" And then before you know it you're trying to find ways to excuse bedhead and you find yourself looking at your nails thinking, "Man did I forget to clip my nails last year?!" And then you wonder what happened to that person a few years ago that remembered to shave her arm pits and always showered every other day.
Woe #2: Is there such a thing as enough sleep?
Early morning seminary. Me. I don't do mornings! I wake up at 6:10 every morning--giving me 20 minutes to get the goop from my eyes and brush my teeth (thanks to woe #1 "I don't even floss!" -Groundhogs day). I am even having a hard time to fit in nap time! I swear I constantly find myself waking up and wondering why I'm still tired!
Woe #3: Winter is coming!
With early morning seminary that means that I have to scrape the snow off the car in the mornings....UGH!
Woe #4 My fuzzy socks are dying
My fuzzy socks are getting holes. One by one they are being trashed. Every time I have to trash one I feel a sinking feeling in my stomach. How do you just throw away a faithful friend that has loved you, caressed your feet and imparted warm fuzziness in your times of need?
Enough with the woes. The good news is, I WAS JUST ACCEPTED TO MASSAGE SCHOOL! I have this dream that one day I'll walk into work and be told that I'm going to be giving Colin Firth a massage :) That'd work for me! The thing with massage school is that is expensive, so I'll be accepting donations for the next five years as I try to pay it off (seriously though, if you feel generous post on this and let me know your bank account number.).
Although Cedar has a total lack of boys that are both cute and have a brain, I have found a solution! Say hello to Croatian cellists Stjapan Hauser and Luka Sulic! These guys have it all: accent, talent, brown eyes, creativity and something tells me that Stjapan (um how hot is that name!?) has a thing for Ben and Jerries! I'm beginning to think that this was a match made in heaven!

(Tell me if Mr. Cellos can't make a girl feel better about the stupid boys in her town?)
I am so not into U2-like, lamo '80's music but these guys are so good! Take a look at what they've done to With or Without You by U2! It makes me miss my cello days, one day I will dust off my cello and play again. There is no experience like playing the cello. You can feel vibrations all through your body!
One last piece of news, I am singing two solos! Scary! Anyone who wants to come hear me humiliate myself can come to the recital, just post and I'll let you in on the time and place.

I want to come! Oh, and btw...I'm glad you're writing on here again. I've missed it. :D