With most of the preparations underway for Groundhogs day I've now begun the task of planning for sweet sixteen. This birthday holds many exciting things such as a drivers license, dances, and road trips. And now I can legally whistle at the guys! The excitement is almost overwhelming when a guy you like threatens to take you out, but now I must return to my sense and say this: Don't shave your legs before you go on a date. With a few sweet lines a girl can easily be lost, but if she is armed with hairy legs that make cricket sounds when she rubs them together then it is easier to keep her head out of the clouds and pay attention to his nervous laugh that makes you want to cringe. Hairy legs is her last connection with reality. But what would I know?
Seeing as I'm not quite on the market yet I've been a safe friend for guys to have, but with the approaching days the conversations have mutated from "Hey!" to "Hey hows my girl?" Or my personal favorite, when I ask that they get me their grades (I'm class secretary) then they have ten minutes in the HHF (aka my Hero Hall of Fame). Previously I would have received their grade and perhaps a little thanks for my hard work; but now I'm receiving little notes along with the grades that say 'I'm excited to be your hero' or 'you're cute when your mad, I don't think I'll give you my grade so I can see you mad'. These little notes aren't quite the self-esteem boost that one might think....
In the school that I attend we love to debate. In most debates I can stay calm under the frustration, at times I even laugh in the climax of the heat. I seem to bloom with life when I'm put under pressure that is until the flirt drops a line.
I might be having a good talk with a close friend and then they say something remotely flirtatious and I freak! I've done everything from leaving the conversation immediately to leaving the house screaming. But enough of this uncomfortable subject.
Now for the moment of truth, the real reason why I'm excited for the big day. Drum roll please. Drivers license! The moment the bird can really fly from the nest. I realize that I might be half slave to errands after this marvelously freeing and empowering paper/privilege card of all privileges has been issued to my itching hands.
But now for the scene that I have in my mind: With freshly shaved legs and a beautiful black dress, I will paint my nails cherry red while listening to the Hallelujah chorus (the purpose of doing this is to remind me what a monumental day this is). After applying a little makeup, I will adorn the high hills that demand respect. With my hair done in a dressy yet normal way. The outfit for the day will be complete
With parents in tow we will depart to visit "friends" (I know calling the people at the DMV friends isn't accurate but I have to make this seem romantic!). Flashing my normal scintillating smile and then leave the office with power freshly laminated. I will hold it in a sassy manner between my cherry red nails. As I drive around looking gorgeous many will honk in order to be bestowed with my dark blue eyes for a moments pleasure. Men will stop walking on the sidewalk as I pass so they might have a second longer to look at me. With a slightly smug smile I will flutter from one end to the next of town.
I will then return home, and walk in to see my room decorated by some secret admirer. With the newly acquired treasures from my extensive travels-the grocery store-I will then pop in the movies of all movies! Pride and Prejudice! The six hour version. As I sit in the basement making notes for my future husband I will then be called to run an errand. While I'm gone something fun will happen to make my day (okay so what if I don't have this part planned?).
With the day to reflect on I will end the night with a roll of sushi and a little day dreaming about the perfect boyfriend (Which I will probably end up calling co-conspire-er about. I swear if Ronda doesn't know the perfect guy for every mood then her name will cease to be Ronda). With a wistful journal entree I will then retire my over excited mind to the sweet soft pillows and dream of my future husband.
Yeah it sounds perfect, too perfect. So I plan to paint my nails, make at least one non-moving traffic violation, watch Pride and Prejudice and then as I watch the sunset I will say thank you for the little miracles; such as not having my room decorated by a secret admirer or not having to go to school. Either or both will be good.
What is Stephiphany? Simply this: something that makes you smile or laugh, a moment of inspiration, a time of connecting the dots, or a second of “ah-ha.“ I can honestly say that my Stephiphanys just beg to be written! Most of them will manifest themselves through papers and short fiction, and hopefully one day books, but for now it will serve as a way to find, and share a teen girls’ developing voice.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Is it spring yet?!
With the acceptance of school I've tried to occupy my mind with more cheerful thoughts such as warmth (Please note the sun hasn't been out for three days and its beginning to take it's toll), the up coming sweet sixteen! Bulbs, and plant starts. Yes spring is on mind and the one thing that I'm holding out for is Groundhogs Day.
What is Groundhogs Day? Well it is celebrated on the second of February in Punxsutawney Philadelphia. In the early hours of the morning some guys dressed in suits and top hats come to the town square where thousands of people have been all night singing songs and dancing. When the men in black show up things become quiet. The master of the men in black grabs a cane and knocks on a stump then he reaches in and pull out the weather man of all time! Punxsutawney Phil! He holds the lovable creature up and the crowd goes crazy with love and admiration. The master then talks to Phil, Phil replies, then the man talks, ect. After a lengthy conversation the man turns to the crowd and recites a heart warming speech at the end of which he tells the world what Phil says to expect. Now this is when the weather report gets tricky. If Phil see's his shadow then it will be six more weeks of winter, but if Phil doesn't then it will be an early spring. The crowd boo's accordingly and then they do whatever else they have planed for the day.
This national holiday has never been celebrated as it should on a national level. But my family religiously celebrates this unusual holiday that often times inspires innovation and awe for the rest of the year. Just think of the great benefit that the world would see if they too celebrated this day when animal respect had been brought to a whole new level of originality? I dare say that even your neighbor would smile and say "hi" (I realize that for some people this is a near impossible feat).
Now that we have discussed the importance of this winter wonderland jubilee I will now go in great depth about how to properly observe this day of great rejoicing (According to my house). We start the night before leaving messages on the phones of those that we hold near. The message is a simple one we record for them "I've got you babe" By Sonny and Cher (from the best movie Groundhogs Day. It is a must see!) and leave a heart warming thought such as "YELLOW! It's your favorite family in the world! We were just calling to remind you that tomorrow is the day of all days, it is the day of the groundhog. We would also like to remind you that we are collecting money for our Go to the Groundhog found. All contributions will be used in careless ways in our effort to visit Phil." (Please note that it has been a long lasting goal to go to Punxsutawney to see Phil.) After several phone calls of such nonsense then we go to bed.
We awake in the morning to the said song. Thoughtfully we then devour sausage or a ground hog. At seven we call those that we didn't leave a message for to awaken them with the glad tidings and the song. Then we depart to fulfill our obligations.
At about four we begin to gather. We run some errands to pick donuts. With paper groundhogs colored brown and taped on toothpicks we then toothpick the donuts and door bell ditch our close friends that could use some cheering. After that then we come home to some thoughtfully planned dinner. We take a few pictures at the dinner table while we ware our groundhog hats and then we eat.
After that we then gather in our basement and watch the ever famous and most quoted movie in our families history. Groundhogs Day. We quote till we laugh. We laugh till we cry. And we then sit in awe after the movie. This then completes the festivities. We will then revile about our experience for the week.
Warning! If you follow the prescribed festivities you might suffer from the following: Lose of friends for unknown reasons, being reported to the police for trespassing and leaving illegible notes, being reported to the local insane asylum "one of your bad cases is out on the streets. Don't you people have security for this kind of stuff?" Your sense of humor, if you suddenly receive the urge to consume a doughnut with out chewing or refuse to floss your teeth then have an amazing weekend and then call your therapist.
What is Groundhogs Day? Well it is celebrated on the second of February in Punxsutawney Philadelphia. In the early hours of the morning some guys dressed in suits and top hats come to the town square where thousands of people have been all night singing songs and dancing. When the men in black show up things become quiet. The master of the men in black grabs a cane and knocks on a stump then he reaches in and pull out the weather man of all time! Punxsutawney Phil! He holds the lovable creature up and the crowd goes crazy with love and admiration. The master then talks to Phil, Phil replies, then the man talks, ect. After a lengthy conversation the man turns to the crowd and recites a heart warming speech at the end of which he tells the world what Phil says to expect. Now this is when the weather report gets tricky. If Phil see's his shadow then it will be six more weeks of winter, but if Phil doesn't then it will be an early spring. The crowd boo's accordingly and then they do whatever else they have planed for the day.
This national holiday has never been celebrated as it should on a national level. But my family religiously celebrates this unusual holiday that often times inspires innovation and awe for the rest of the year. Just think of the great benefit that the world would see if they too celebrated this day when animal respect had been brought to a whole new level of originality? I dare say that even your neighbor would smile and say "hi" (I realize that for some people this is a near impossible feat).
Now that we have discussed the importance of this winter wonderland jubilee I will now go in great depth about how to properly observe this day of great rejoicing (According to my house). We start the night before leaving messages on the phones of those that we hold near. The message is a simple one we record for them "I've got you babe" By Sonny and Cher (from the best movie Groundhogs Day. It is a must see!) and leave a heart warming thought such as "YELLOW! It's your favorite family in the world! We were just calling to remind you that tomorrow is the day of all days, it is the day of the groundhog. We would also like to remind you that we are collecting money for our Go to the Groundhog found. All contributions will be used in careless ways in our effort to visit Phil." (Please note that it has been a long lasting goal to go to Punxsutawney to see Phil.) After several phone calls of such nonsense then we go to bed.
We awake in the morning to the said song. Thoughtfully we then devour sausage or a ground hog. At seven we call those that we didn't leave a message for to awaken them with the glad tidings and the song. Then we depart to fulfill our obligations.
At about four we begin to gather. We run some errands to pick donuts. With paper groundhogs colored brown and taped on toothpicks we then toothpick the donuts and door bell ditch our close friends that could use some cheering. After that then we come home to some thoughtfully planned dinner. We take a few pictures at the dinner table while we ware our groundhog hats and then we eat.
After that we then gather in our basement and watch the ever famous and most quoted movie in our families history. Groundhogs Day. We quote till we laugh. We laugh till we cry. And we then sit in awe after the movie. This then completes the festivities. We will then revile about our experience for the week.
Warning! If you follow the prescribed festivities you might suffer from the following: Lose of friends for unknown reasons, being reported to the police for trespassing and leaving illegible notes, being reported to the local insane asylum "one of your bad cases is out on the streets. Don't you people have security for this kind of stuff?" Your sense of humor, if you suddenly receive the urge to consume a doughnut with out chewing or refuse to floss your teeth then have an amazing weekend and then call your therapist.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
New year, new short story
With school back in session I've been driven back to responsibility like a mouse to its hole. So in order to maintain sanity I've be spending free time editing, playing with my camera and forming sentences in my mind that would confuse Robert Langdon ("protagonist" of the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown) and make Roald Dahl feel proud.
In my editing I've finished a short story that should have been finished a century ago! Okay a month ago but still that's enough to gather dust on an object.
So now a little explanation to this short story; I personaly like it and at the same I have no idea my exact thoughts on it. Oh well maybe by the day that I can choose my favorite color I can also tell you what I think of this short story. (No need to feel nervous, this one if fairly up beat). Enjoy!
Amber Waves of Change
Bells whorled, crowds rushed by with ruddy faces and force. Teary eyed good-byes were being said, but one scene was different. Anna looked over her brother and his family. Relief was visible in their appearance. They were getting rid of their biggest burden.
She bent down to hug the children. She gave them each a stick of peppermint. Her eyes lingered on her nieces and nephews. She stood up straitened the bodice of her dress and faced her brother and his wife. It was easy for her to give Charlie a hug, kiss and causally slip a letter in his hand. As for Alice her sister-in-law the hug was brief. A smile twitched at the corners of her mouth as she waved to them then boarded the train.
With weary hands she assessed the damage of her hair and hat the analysis wasn’t good. Her golden hair was falling out of its Edwardian bun. Her hat that she had bought expressly for this occasion had almost been completely trashed due to the thrashing of the crowd. But this was an adventure the very thing that she had been thought she wanted.
She looked around at the passengers that were sitting next to her. A young lady that wore the a very fashionable dress looked with stars in her eyes at her traveling partner that was reading the newspaper. A young man in his mid-twenties sat directly across from her. He had soft brown eyes and the expression of a gentlemen. His bag of golf clubs sat next to him. Anna realized that she had been staring when he looked up with wonder in his expression. Trying desperately to soften the awkward moment she held out her hand and said in a voice hardly above a whisper “Good afternoon sir my name is Anna…Anna Hemmington.” He looked at her hand for a second then took it, gave it a stiff shake and said in a strong voice “Nice to meet you my name is Jeffrey Black.” Their met eyes for a few seconds. Then with a blush she looked down at the hem of her dress and muttered “Nice to meet you.”
The stress of the past few days was enough to make her sleepy and in want of a nap but it wasn’t proper for lady to sleep in public, so the laws of propriety kept her from a much deserved rest. To help her stay awake she looked out the window and watched the scenery change with rapid pace. Seeing the lush emerald trees for the last was hard on her. The landscape of Vermont was her favorite thing that home had to offer.
Tears came to her eyes as night came. With blurred vision her green eyes frantically searched for the first star so she could have the wish of her heart, but it was a cloudy night. After everyone was asleep she finally she fell into an anxious rest. With a paper clipping in her left ungloved hand. Jeffrey woke up when he heard her moan. He scanned the room to see if there was anything in it that would agitate her. Just when he was certain that she was having a nightmare and nothing more he saw the paper clipping slip through her fingers.
He picked it up with great interest and searched it for an answer to the many questions that swam threw his mind. It was tattered and the corners showed signs of a being rubbed. The printing was fading from being folded and re-folded. With the little light that was in the train car hallway he was able to make out what it said.
“Needed: A women who isn’t afraid of work.
Can teach kids, and open to marriage
with a forty-five year old man living in
Nebraska with three kids all under the age of eleven.”
He tucked the add back in her hand and studied her face. It looked young yet clouded with worry. She was beautiful to be certain; Golden hair, green eyes, red soft lips. It all seemed so strange that a lady with so much promise was throwing herself away. But as he began to ponder on their awkward introduction today it wasn’t to hard to see why. A girl that so obviously needed grace wouldn’t be wanted. With one last glance of pity he fell asleep.
Then next morning she was the first to awake. She sleepily looked around and rubbed the kink in her neck as she looked around the room. Nothing had changed, with hope she looked out of the window to see fields of wheat passing by. Her arm slowly dropped to her lap as she stared at strange yet phenomenal surroundings. “Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain.” She jumped when she heard that same self assured voice speak. She flashed a glance at Jeffry and nodded good morning. But this wasn’t enough for him. “Forgive me,” he started out “but I saw the add in you hand last night…it slipped out of your grasp…” as he fumbled for word she looked at him and searched his being with her green eyes then cut in to his monolog “Yes, I know that I should be patient, but its easy for one to know when they are no longer wanted around. I felt like this was my only option.” During this little speech of hers Jeffry stared at the floor embarrassed at her bold and unguarded words, a lady would have known not to speak so freely. He was shocked to see that he felt a since of freedom that came from braking the stiff rules of propriety. Anna soon found that she could talk to him easily. And he likewise discovered that there was something about her that made attention draw to her. HE trusted her a feeling relatively new to him.
Sunflowers soon blurred past the window as they talked. Directly at twelve lunch was brought. Everything was normal with their sandwiches except for Anna’s. She bit in to it find a twig but on further examination she discovered that it was a sprig of rosemary. With a nervous laugh she waved it off as an accident she opened the window to her left and threw it out. With the drawing on of the day there was a notable weight added to her countenance.
Promptly at three her destination was called. She gave Jeffrey a brief nervous glance then she grabbed her hat box and carpet bag and said goodbye. As she left she turned and said “have fun in California Jeffry, my prayers are with you.” With out another word she turned her back on the room and walked out, a sense of poised duty followed her like a perfume. But no one saw her quivering ankles or how her breath caught when she exhaled.
On the platform she waited for him…..Earnest Hill. It was sunset when a broad shouldered man appeared in a buckboard. He walked up the steps to the platform and took off his straw hat and said “Anna?” “Yes. Mr. Hill I presume.” An emphatic “NO” was her answer. “Oh” she said with her cheeks reddening “Mr. Hill is down with a broken leg I’m his hired hand James Callahan.” With this he took her luggage and helped her in to the buckboard.
The bumpy dirt road made her even more weak then she already was. It seemed like they would never find the farm, they’d die from lack of provisions here in the wilderness, of course it didn’t help that dusk was setting on the dusty surroundings. When she saw the white house lit up with roses in the yard she wished they had died in the wilderness. “Go ahead and going with out knocking. Mr. Hill is waiting for you.” Her stomach twisted and cramped. She grasped the pillar on the porch in order to make it up the three small steps.
To her astonishment a little girl meet her at the door and helped her to her new room…until the wedding. Lilly told her that her pa was waiting for her to have dinner with them but to go ahead and freshen up. This she did with great pleasure, at last something that wasn’t foreign to her. Right as she was putting the finishing touches on her hair a shadow appeared in the doorway. Her hands quivered and the color drained from her face. The figure entered the room. A man with a leg in cast on his right leg came wobbling in.
He had dark eyes and thick wavy hair. With a smile as he held out his arm and said “May I escort this lady to the dance?” Her eyes lit up with joy. “Why of coarse you may!” She said. His winter blue eyes twinkled. There was something about him that seemed familiar. She rested her small hand in the crook of his arm. She looked at him, his smile of genuine goodness seemed to radiate, she smiled back. A new smile.
Love always, Stephiphany
In my editing I've finished a short story that should have been finished a century ago! Okay a month ago but still that's enough to gather dust on an object.
So now a little explanation to this short story; I personaly like it and at the same I have no idea my exact thoughts on it. Oh well maybe by the day that I can choose my favorite color I can also tell you what I think of this short story. (No need to feel nervous, this one if fairly up beat). Enjoy!
Amber Waves of Change
Bells whorled, crowds rushed by with ruddy faces and force. Teary eyed good-byes were being said, but one scene was different. Anna looked over her brother and his family. Relief was visible in their appearance. They were getting rid of their biggest burden.
She bent down to hug the children. She gave them each a stick of peppermint. Her eyes lingered on her nieces and nephews. She stood up straitened the bodice of her dress and faced her brother and his wife. It was easy for her to give Charlie a hug, kiss and causally slip a letter in his hand. As for Alice her sister-in-law the hug was brief. A smile twitched at the corners of her mouth as she waved to them then boarded the train.
With weary hands she assessed the damage of her hair and hat the analysis wasn’t good. Her golden hair was falling out of its Edwardian bun. Her hat that she had bought expressly for this occasion had almost been completely trashed due to the thrashing of the crowd. But this was an adventure the very thing that she had been thought she wanted.
She looked around at the passengers that were sitting next to her. A young lady that wore the a very fashionable dress looked with stars in her eyes at her traveling partner that was reading the newspaper. A young man in his mid-twenties sat directly across from her. He had soft brown eyes and the expression of a gentlemen. His bag of golf clubs sat next to him. Anna realized that she had been staring when he looked up with wonder in his expression. Trying desperately to soften the awkward moment she held out her hand and said in a voice hardly above a whisper “Good afternoon sir my name is Anna…Anna Hemmington.” He looked at her hand for a second then took it, gave it a stiff shake and said in a strong voice “Nice to meet you my name is Jeffrey Black.” Their met eyes for a few seconds. Then with a blush she looked down at the hem of her dress and muttered “Nice to meet you.”
The stress of the past few days was enough to make her sleepy and in want of a nap but it wasn’t proper for lady to sleep in public, so the laws of propriety kept her from a much deserved rest. To help her stay awake she looked out the window and watched the scenery change with rapid pace. Seeing the lush emerald trees for the last was hard on her. The landscape of Vermont was her favorite thing that home had to offer.
Tears came to her eyes as night came. With blurred vision her green eyes frantically searched for the first star so she could have the wish of her heart, but it was a cloudy night. After everyone was asleep she finally she fell into an anxious rest. With a paper clipping in her left ungloved hand. Jeffrey woke up when he heard her moan. He scanned the room to see if there was anything in it that would agitate her. Just when he was certain that she was having a nightmare and nothing more he saw the paper clipping slip through her fingers.
He picked it up with great interest and searched it for an answer to the many questions that swam threw his mind. It was tattered and the corners showed signs of a being rubbed. The printing was fading from being folded and re-folded. With the little light that was in the train car hallway he was able to make out what it said.
“Needed: A women who isn’t afraid of work.
Can teach kids, and open to marriage
with a forty-five year old man living in
Nebraska with three kids all under the age of eleven.”
He tucked the add back in her hand and studied her face. It looked young yet clouded with worry. She was beautiful to be certain; Golden hair, green eyes, red soft lips. It all seemed so strange that a lady with so much promise was throwing herself away. But as he began to ponder on their awkward introduction today it wasn’t to hard to see why. A girl that so obviously needed grace wouldn’t be wanted. With one last glance of pity he fell asleep.
Then next morning she was the first to awake. She sleepily looked around and rubbed the kink in her neck as she looked around the room. Nothing had changed, with hope she looked out of the window to see fields of wheat passing by. Her arm slowly dropped to her lap as she stared at strange yet phenomenal surroundings. “Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain.” She jumped when she heard that same self assured voice speak. She flashed a glance at Jeffry and nodded good morning. But this wasn’t enough for him. “Forgive me,” he started out “but I saw the add in you hand last night…it slipped out of your grasp…” as he fumbled for word she looked at him and searched his being with her green eyes then cut in to his monolog “Yes, I know that I should be patient, but its easy for one to know when they are no longer wanted around. I felt like this was my only option.” During this little speech of hers Jeffry stared at the floor embarrassed at her bold and unguarded words, a lady would have known not to speak so freely. He was shocked to see that he felt a since of freedom that came from braking the stiff rules of propriety. Anna soon found that she could talk to him easily. And he likewise discovered that there was something about her that made attention draw to her. HE trusted her a feeling relatively new to him.
Sunflowers soon blurred past the window as they talked. Directly at twelve lunch was brought. Everything was normal with their sandwiches except for Anna’s. She bit in to it find a twig but on further examination she discovered that it was a sprig of rosemary. With a nervous laugh she waved it off as an accident she opened the window to her left and threw it out. With the drawing on of the day there was a notable weight added to her countenance.
Promptly at three her destination was called. She gave Jeffrey a brief nervous glance then she grabbed her hat box and carpet bag and said goodbye. As she left she turned and said “have fun in California Jeffry, my prayers are with you.” With out another word she turned her back on the room and walked out, a sense of poised duty followed her like a perfume. But no one saw her quivering ankles or how her breath caught when she exhaled.
On the platform she waited for him…..Earnest Hill. It was sunset when a broad shouldered man appeared in a buckboard. He walked up the steps to the platform and took off his straw hat and said “Anna?” “Yes. Mr. Hill I presume.” An emphatic “NO” was her answer. “Oh” she said with her cheeks reddening “Mr. Hill is down with a broken leg I’m his hired hand James Callahan.” With this he took her luggage and helped her in to the buckboard.
The bumpy dirt road made her even more weak then she already was. It seemed like they would never find the farm, they’d die from lack of provisions here in the wilderness, of course it didn’t help that dusk was setting on the dusty surroundings. When she saw the white house lit up with roses in the yard she wished they had died in the wilderness. “Go ahead and going with out knocking. Mr. Hill is waiting for you.” Her stomach twisted and cramped. She grasped the pillar on the porch in order to make it up the three small steps.
To her astonishment a little girl meet her at the door and helped her to her new room…until the wedding. Lilly told her that her pa was waiting for her to have dinner with them but to go ahead and freshen up. This she did with great pleasure, at last something that wasn’t foreign to her. Right as she was putting the finishing touches on her hair a shadow appeared in the doorway. Her hands quivered and the color drained from her face. The figure entered the room. A man with a leg in cast on his right leg came wobbling in.
He had dark eyes and thick wavy hair. With a smile as he held out his arm and said “May I escort this lady to the dance?” Her eyes lit up with joy. “Why of coarse you may!” She said. His winter blue eyes twinkled. There was something about him that seemed familiar. She rested her small hand in the crook of his arm. She looked at him, his smile of genuine goodness seemed to radiate, she smiled back. A new smile.
Love always, Stephiphany
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