For those who know me then you would know that this past month has been a landmark in my life. Why? One might be asking themselves, the answer is simple New Moon came out! (Don't worry I'm not as I seem...okay now I'm sounding like a Cullen. But really Stephenie Meyer has never been a friend of mine.). I know that when many read or hear the title New Moon they roll there eyes and think of all the girls who spend nights crying over Edward and days reminiscing about Jacob. The marriages ruined because the wife decided that her husband isn't "perfect". And the guys who now apply glitter so that the girls see their sparkly complexion in the sunlight and are made to think "I've found him! My own Edward!" You probably would naturally put me in the category that I have just described, with all the other saps. Well your wrong I am a consummate of utter disapproval for the twilight series!
I personally find the Twilight series to be a draining one. I've attempted a few of Stephenie Meyers books and have failed miserably every time! Her style is one that viciously attacks people that mirror the same thoughts and emotions (Which is the normal girls hormonal swings.) These books suck out all reality and leave behind shriveled up rinds of a half vampire (or alien) and half pale-for-love fans (girls). They now hunt for a perfect guy to prey off of even though they themselves aren't perfect. And as for the rest of us that don't identify with those emotions we are left annoyed and out of the loop. (Being a girl I naturally identify with those hormones but I don't live in them.)
The same imagery is often used excessively like in the host for example: (I made it to page 150 and couldn't take it any longer) The imagery of fire, dry, thirsty and passion can be found on almost every page. After awhile you wonder if Stephenie Myer has an imagination (or at least a thesaurus)!
In my own personal opinion good literature is something that can apply to everyone and has life lessons that can be gleaned every time it is read or re-read. It carries emotion but its balanced by events. Instead we have novels like Stephenie Myer's that are like books on steroids. These puppies are packed with emotion, passion, immorality, and non-eventful pages that never seem to end.
And now to my movie experience....
I went to the movie New Moon just so I could have a fun time with my friends, and to have the chance to sink my teeth into more core issues of the story. But the very, very basic evidence is this. Every time Jacob entered after his hair cut (from here on we will keep this on a basic chronological time frame based off of Jacobs hair do. So before the hair cut we will call it B. G. for before gorgeous! (Hey I might hate the books but dude have you seen how hot he is?) And after the hair cut we will refer to it as the W. W. Y. M. M. for Wow will you marry me?) there was an audible sigh of swooning love heard.
Either I was in a movie theater full of Edward hating girls, or Edward lost points big time! Because every time Edward entered no one seemed to care. One of my personal favorite scenes was when we first see Jacob in the W. W. Y. M. M. era. Its raining and and his shirt is off (get this he is so hot that he steams in the rain!). There was such a gasp for air that I was concerned that there might not be enough air left for me! There was one person who didn't gasp and I sat right next to him. Yep you heard right there was a "him" in the theater! The poor husband was drug along by his wife. So he sat there and played with his Iphone (The quality time that was going on with that couple was enough to make me envious.....NOT).
Speaking of quality couple time that remind me what a jerk that flippin' producer was! There was about three almost romantic moments in which she almost kissed Jacob but they always get interrupted! I mean it was kind of a build up and he leans in......and the phone rings or something else lame. I don't know about other girls but when I see a kiss waiting to happen I get a little excited and then when they are pulled away moments before it happens is just a huge let down on all those hormones that rushed through your body. (I'm pretty sure that its bad for my health to go through such hormone will probably lead to me being a paranoid old hag that obsesses over PDA's.)
It just doesn't feel romantic. It is all the same high school drama that we see everyday. Except now we have added monsters to it....that doesn't make me feel better. And get this, we are spending our money to go see it! It doesn't make sense to me, but I also spell yeah perfectly backwards when I'm tired so maybe I'm the one messed up.
Jacob, Edward, Bella and everyone else in that story seem to just be going through the actions of life in stead of living and loving life with the ones they care about. Perhaps its just a vampire thing. There isn't one normal marriage shown. It is all selfish infatuations that spring forth from the violent first sightings of admiration, instead of the mature love that has you in the bathroom nursing your husband through another round of the flu on your date night. (I'm not saying that that particular scene is romantic but it shows that you are dedicated to your spouse. And you know that as soon as they are better they'll sweep you off your feet for a date night....that's eternal. Not this whole thought process that says "I can't EVER happily live without this person." I think that is possible to live happily with or without them, but I also believe that your quality of happiness should increase when they are around.)
You might think that I sound bitter because of Stephenie Myers success? No I'm not but I must say that she has lowered the bar and people don't like having to apply themselves so any thing after this will seem as a failure because it doesn't draw them in and make them relive those awful, never should be re-experienced, hideous, high school years. (I can't imagine anyone that would want to live through their high school years again! I have plans to pretend that they never happened, and burn all the awkward pictures/evidence of myself surviving. But that just me.)
All things considered I'd like to say thank you to Stephenie Myer for providing herself as a sacrificial antithesis to the masters of romance novels, such as Jane Austen, Little Women, North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell and others that rock the world of literature! I hope that one day my generation can redeem themselves of this novel so it isn't in the history text books as a defying work of "literature" in the world....shutter....